Relay JQX-76F/2Z-220VAC

  • Model: 005.001.024
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Relay  JQX-76F/2Z-220VAC
Manufacturer: Essima
Designed for high inrush current load. Aplication air-condition refrigeratory, compressot etc.
Analogue of the relay G7L-2P-TUBJ-CB.
Available: 369 pcs

Technical data

Rated load277VAC, 25A
1.5HP/120VAC, 3HP/240VAC
Operating power (resistive)6925VA
Contact resistance (initial)≤50mΩ
Material of contactsAg alloy
Life≥105 cycles (1800 Ops/h) - electrical
≥5x106 cycles (1800 Ops/h) - mechanical
Operate voltage (at 25°C)≤75% rated voltage
Release voltage (at 25°C)≥15% rated voltage
Max allowed voltage (at 25°C)110% rated voltage
Insulation resistance≥100MΩ (500VDC)
Coil power consumption≤2,5 VA
Operate time≤30ms
Release time≤30ms
Dielectric strength2000VAC/1min (leakage current 1 mА) - between contacts
2000VAC/1min (leakage cuttent 1 mА) - between contacts (different pole)
4000VAC/1min (leakage current 1 mА) - between contact and coil
Ambient temperature-25°C ÷ +55°C
WeightPlug-in type ~90g, Bolt type ~120g
Kit electric outletP76F-06


JQX-76F dimensions

Electrical schematic

power relay JQX-76